As a thorough planner, you’ve organized your moving timeline, hired the movers, and created a budget that even considers potential hidden costs like packing materials, long-carry charges, and heavy item fees. However, there are still some sneaky charges hidden in the fine print. Here, we will outline these unexpected costs to help you be fully prepared on moving day.


Credit Card Payment Fees

While credit card payments are often expected, some companies charge extra fees to cover their credit card processing costs. If the moving fee is substantial, such as for a long-distance, full-service move, these additional costs can add up. Make sure to understand your moving company’s payment options and tipping expectations, and always request a receipt for payment as proof of the transaction.


Extra Fees For Remote Locations

If your new home is in a hard-to-reach location, such as on rural roads, with a narrow or steep driveway, or with limited access, you might face extra costs. Shuttle vans or smaller trucks might be required, adding to the overall expense. Be sure to discuss potential access issues with your moving company beforehand.


Additional Charges For Last-Minute or Off-Hours Moves

Moving companies prefer scheduling moves during their regular working hours. If you require early morning, late evening, or last-minute move, expect higher fees or additional charges. Make sure to clarify the rates when booking your move.


Gas Surcharges For The Moving Truck

Some moving companies may add gas costs for long-distance moves or when the truck leaves city limits. To avoid surprises, be completely clear about what is and isn’t covered for the truck when booking your move.


Incidental Permits and Parking Tickets

If you’re moving to a city with challenging traffic or parking conditions, research and obtain the necessary permits for the moving truck to park near your residence. This can help avoid parking tickets or violations being passed on to you by the moving company. Additionally, some companies charge a long carry fee if the truck has to park far away due to insufficient parking space. Proper planning and securing permits can make parking smoother and prevent unforeseen moving expenses.


Unanticipated “Storage In Transit”

In cases where you cannot receive your shipment at your new home on the scheduled day, the moving company might need to store your belongings “in transit” and charge you hourly. An additional fee for redelivery on a different day may also apply. To avoid this potential cost, ensure you’re clear about the access to your new home and when moving is permitted, especially when moving into an apartment building.

Read More: How To Hire a Moving Company


The Professionals at Illuminated Moving

Preparing for a move can be stressful, and hidden fees can lead to headaches and frustration no one needs during a big move. Here at Illuminated Moving Company we work hard to communicate clearly with you to provide the best possible moving experience.

Click here or Call us today to discuss your moving plan and prepare to move with Illuminated Moving & Packing of Asheville today!