Is it time to move? Do you get anxious when you start thinking about packing up your whole life? Whether you’re moving just a street over, across the city or state, or even across the country, relocating may be a challenging operation due to all of the—well—moving pieces.

Yes, not every moving process can be meticulously planned, and we’re sometimes compelled to make fast judgments based on job prospects and other life circumstances. While you will never be able to eliminate all of the stress associated with moving entirely, taking the time to plan your move may go a long way toward making the process go more smoothly—if not much more enjoyable. Read on to start your checklist. 

All You Need To Do Before You Move 

Before the Move

  • Get organized: Set aside a folder or file where you may store all of your relocation-related documents. For each notebook, create a moving notebook for all of your observations.
  • Start sorting: Determine what to keep, get rid of, or give away. If you’re moving into a smaller house, make quick decisions.
  • Research moving companies: Go online for moving firms with positive ratings. Check with friends and relatives if they know of any good movers. Take a week or two to look into it; you’re not in a hurry yet.
  • Get supplies: Is there a shipping charge to collect the goods from your supplier? Boxes, tape, markers, and bubble wrap are all required.
  • Notify schools: Tell your children’s teachers about the relocation. Get copies of their school records, and look into the enrollment process at schools in your new neighborhood.
  • Medical records: Check your doctor for copies of your family’s medical records.
  • Book a moving company: You’ve done your homework and are now ready to choose your movers. Choose a firm that you’re comfortable with, and make sure you have the date, time, and other specifics of your move confirmed.
  • Notify your landlord: Notify your landlord first if you’re moving from a lease. Learn when you’ll be able to get your security deposit back.
  • Transfer insurance: If you already have insurance on your current property, see whether it can be transferred to the new location.
  • Take care of your car: Have your automobile serviced, especially if you’re moving long distances. Inquire with your auto insurance provider about transferring your coverage.
  • Make a clean move: If your new house needs a deep cleaning, make arrangements for it to be cleaned before you move in.
  • Pack an essential kit: At your new location, prepare a suitcase with things you’ll need straight away. Carry it with you. Don’t put it on the truck loaded down.

Moving Day

  • Work with your movers: Identify fragile or large objects quickly so that your moving company can help you. When your things are loaded onto the truck, be there to assist them. You’ll be in charge of ensuring that they carry everything, so you must be available to coordinate and answer queries. When you’re sure everything has been loaded, sign the bill of lading.
  • One final sweep: Do a final inspection of your house before the movers depart to make sure nothing has been forgotten.

Our Goal Is To Make Your Life Easier By Removing The Stress Of Moving

We meet, pack up, and relocate your belongings with great care and efficiency. We’re committed to maintaining the highest level of service possible. In short, we take a good thing and make it much better so you can stop searching on the web “movers near me”

At Illuminated Moving & Packing, we have decades of experience providing complete moving services. Obtain a quote beforehand TODAY.